Apparel Sourcing New York City (formerly known as Apparel Sourcing USA),the international sourcing event of the summer was taken placed during July 21-23, 2020 this year. The online event serves as an alternative platform for global manufacturers to continuously connect and network with US buyers as well as keep their presence in the US market. Apparel Sourcing USA offers apparel brands, retailers, wholesalers and independent design firms a dedicated sourcing marketplace for finding the best international apparel manufacturers. Focused on finished apparel, contract manufacturing and private label development, the show provides direct access to suppliers specializing in ready-to-wear for men, women, children and accessories.
It is the first time we join in online show instead of traditional exhibition because of the Corona virus. We changed our working time to afternoon and evening since most of the buyers are from out of Asia, like European, north America countries. During these 3 days we uploading our products, building up our showroom, online searching for buyers and making appoints,on time showing up and video meeting with buyers. All of these are new experience for us.
The meetings with buyers gave us some new ideas about the following developing trend.Also we met some potential clients.
Looking forward the following busy days!